We all know hot oil treatments help to boost the hair while offering more sheen and strength, but do not over-do them. Less is yes!
It goes without say that all hot oil treatments are not created equal. I have used so many different types throughout the years and can honestly say there were no great positive changes for the most part. On the other hand, our "In-House" OXX Oil Treatment truly does work. Our special Blend of natural Oils are able to effectively penetrate the cuticle layers, resulting in more beautiful tresses. We apply our OXX Oil and have clients sit for 10 to 15 minutes with a saran wrap wrapped around their head. The wrap generates and increases the heat level naturally, thereby reducing the discomfort from sitting under a dryer.
On the other hand, with respect to afro-textured hair (more so when relaxed or processed) it is never wise to do hot oil treatments every week as the texture cannot handle too much stress. I know it sounds a bit contradictory, but experience has taught just how fragile and delicate afro-textured hair is. An example of how this hair type is, is to compare it to a scenario of lugging a heavy knapsack on your back and adding more heavy knapsacks until you fall over due to all that weight. The difference is where your body will fall, afro-textured hair will break. And it breaks more easily when processed.
For this reason, be very wary of doing too many hot oil treatments in a row. We have proven it over and over again that less is more. We advise our clients to have it done once every two weeks the most. Anything sooner than that is unnecessary, and as stated before, if the hair is processed, it may start having negative reactions.
Until Next Week,
The OXX Family